Consulting for aerial firefighting solutions

Our engineering and consulting service in the project „Consulting for aerial firefighting solutions“ is divided into the following four steps:

  • Step 1: Creation of a concept for firefighting with aerial platforms, including dedicated water areas assessment.
  • Step 2: Creation of a project plan out of the concept paper, including selection of proper method of solution.
  • Step 3: Setup and operational design assistance of the certified aircraft operator (company) for specialized operations (SPO).
  • Step 4: Support of flight operation (SPO) und training (FCL, ORO.FC) with qualified specialists.

Step 1: Creation of a concept

For the concept creation an elaboration of physical and technological fundamentals with scientific approaches is made. This also includes the definition of requirements, parameters and performance indicators for the evaluation of suitable method of solution and hardware of the customer.

In addition, an assessment is made of used water areas with regard to their suitability to serve for in-flight water scooping in the event of major catastrophic incidents (major blaze, large fires etc.).

The working concept for aerial firefighting solutions also takes into account in particular the scenario of pandemic events like SARS CoV-2 and possible associated effects on firefighting activity.

Step 2: Creation of a project plan

It is essential to understand: the basis of any effective firefighting activity is always a successful logistic of the extinguishing agent.

  • Selection and comparison of dedicated method of solution and hardware;
  • Evaluation of these options with the previously defined requirements, parameters and performance indicators;
  • Presentation of the results and solution in specialist committees and professional bodies of the demand carrier;

Step 3: Setup of operator

Setup and operational design assistance as well as operational support of the required certified aircraft operator (company) for specialized operations according EASA part SPO including Part M/G (CAMO) and Part 145/147 (maintenance organization) for the selected aerial firefighting solution of the customer.

Step 4: Flight operation and training

Execution of mission flight operation for the certified aircraft operator (company) of the customer as well as ensuring initial and recurrent (flight) training according EASA part FCL and ORO.FC with qualified MK Aerospace Service personnel.

In this project the customer receives the complete package from MK Aerospace Service from a single source and therefore he is able to focus solely on location development and the specific applications of the demand carrier.

We are very proud to be part of this project, for us it is a heartfelt wish.